Disability and illness payments

  • An overview of benefits available to people who are sick or have a disability
  • Domiciliary Care Allowance is a monthly payment made to the carer of a child with a severe disability who lives at home. Find out more.

  • Enhanced Illness Benefit has now closed. If you have COVID-19 or have been advised to self-isolate, you can apply for Illness Benefit.

  • Illness Benefit is a payment made to people who are unable to work because of illness.

  • Invalidity Pension is a social insurance payment that may be paid to people who cannot work because of a long-term illness or disability.

  • A weekly payment to people that have an injury, illness or disability which is expected to last more than a year. Find out how to qualify and rates of payment.

  • The Blind Pension is a means-tested payment paid to people who are blind or who have low vision and live in Ireland. Find out more about Blind Pension and how to apply.

  • The Treatment Benefit Scheme is a scheme run by the Department of Social Protection that helps pay for dental, optical and aural services for people with the required number of PRSI contributions.

  • The Occupational Injuries Benefit scheme provides a range of benefits for people injured or incapacitated by an accident at work or while travelling directly to or from work.

  • Injury Benefit is a weekly payment made to employees who are unfit for work as a result of an accident at work or because they have contracted a disease due to the type of work they do. Find out more.

  • Disablement Benefit may be payable to you if as a result of an accident at work or a prescribed disease contracted at work, you suffer a loss of physical or mental faculty.

  • If you are an insured employee and are injured at work or contract a prescribed occupational disease you may be entitled to a refund of medical costs.

  • Quick guide to services and entitlements for people with disabilities or long-term illnesses and their families and carers

  • Partial Capacity Benefit is a scheme to support people on Illness Benefit or Invalidity Pension who want to return to work.

  • Information on how work or training can affect your disability payment and any extra benefits you are getting.
    This document is in: Social welfare payments and work