Irish passports - an overview


A passport is an internationally recognised travel document that confirms your identity and nationality.

You must be an Irish citizen to be eligible for an Irish passport.

You can get Irish citizenship by birth or descent or through naturalisation. If you are the spouse or civil partner of an Irish citizen, you can apply for citizenship through naturalisation if you meet certain conditions.

Your passport is an important legal document. You should always keep it in a secure place. Every Irish passport has a unique identification number. You should keep a note of this number in case your passport is lost or stolen.

Your Irish passport allows you to travel abroad and entitles you to certain diplomatic support services from Irish embassies if you get into difficulty abroad. While your Irish passport is an internationally recognised travel document, it does not give you an automatic right to enter other countries.

Your Irish passport is issued by the Irish Government through the Passport Service of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Ireland. Irish passports are also issued through Irish embassies and consulates throughout the world. You apply to the relevant embassy or consulate if you are living abroad.

You can also get information on:

Machine-readable passports and electronic passports (ePassports)

A machine-readable passport is a passport with 2 typeface lines printed at the bottom of the biographical page (the photo page), which can be read by a machine. When they are read, these lines provide identical information to that provided on the biographical page.

An electronic passport (ePassport) is the same as a normal machine-readable passport but it also has a small integrated circuit or chip embedded in the photo page. The chip securely stores a digitised image of the photo and personal details of the passport holder and allows facial recognition technology at border controls. The Irish Passport Office has issued ePassports since October 2006.

Passport cards

The Irish passport card is a document that you can use for travel in the European Union, the European Economic Area (which includes Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), Switzerland and the United Kingdom instead of the passport book. It is similar in size to a credit card.

Second passport for business travellers

If you travel a lot for business, you may need a second passport for when your current passport is being held by an embassy for visa-issuing purposes. A second passport allows you to travel when this happens.

Where can I travel on my Irish passport?

All EU citizens have can enter and live in another EU member state for up to 90 days. You just need a valid passport or national identity card. EU member states cannot make extra rules about what makes your passport or identity card valid, or for how long. This means that your passport doesn't have to be valid for, say, 6 months before you are allowed to enter another EU state.

Irish citizens travelling to destinations outside the EU are subject to the specific passport controls and requirements of those countries. You may need a visa to travel to your destination or a transit visa if you have to transfer flights. Your passport may also need to be valid for a certain period. These arrangements vary country to country, so contact the relevant country's embassy before you travel for the most up-to-date information on these requirements.

Names and genders on Irish passports

In general, your passport is issued in the name and gender on your birth certificate. However, you can request that your passport carry a different name and/or gender for the following reasons:

  • Marriage or civil partnership: If you want to have your passport issued in your married or civil partnership name you should submit your civil marriage certificate or civil partnership certificate.
  • Pre-marriage (after separation or divorce) or pre-civil partnership: If you want to change your passport back to your pre-marriage or pre-civil partnership name you should submit your birth certificate, your civil marriage certificate or civil partnership certificate, your separation agreement, your judicial separation court order, or your divorce decree. This must be certified by a solicitor or by the court. Otherwise, you must show proof of usage. To do this, submit 2 official documents showing you have been using your pre-marriage name for 2 years.
  • You are known by a different name to your birth certificate: If the name you are known by is different from the name on your birth certificate and this is not due to marriage, civil partnership or adoption, you have to supply documentary evidence that you have been using the name continually for at least 2 years. This applies even if you have received a Gender Recognition Certificate.
  • You are known by the Irish version of your name: If the name you are known by is the Irish version of your name but, you do not have proof of 2 years’ usage, proof of at least 6 months’ usage may be accepted. If the proof of 6 months’ usage is accepted, the English version of your name will also be noted on the passport.
  • Gender recognition: You can apply in your preferred gender if you have received a Gender Recognition Certificate from the Department of Social Protection. You need to submit your Gender Recognition Certificate and your birth certificate as re-issued after gender recognition. You also must supply documentary evidence that you have been using the name continually for at least 2 years.

Documents that show proof of usage include driving licences, bank statements, insurance, tax, and social welfare documents. You should include at least 2 documents from 2 different sources, dating back 2 years with your application.

If the name on your passport is not exactly the same as the name on your birth certificate, you can indicate on the application form that you also want your birth certificate name noted on the passport. This is called recording an observation on your passport.

Titles such as Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, Rev, Sir, Lord and Lady are not entered on Irish passports.

Can my application be refused?

If the Passport Service is unsatisfied that you have proved your identity or citizenship status, your application may be refused. However, the Passport Service will normally contact you to request further documentation or information before issuing a formal refusal.

Your passport application may be refused if:

  • Issuing you with a passport would pose a danger to national security, the security of another country, or might endanger public safety
  • You provide false or misleading information or documents
  • The courts have issued an order for the surrender of a child’s passport
  • You already have been granted an Irish passport, and you have not given a valid reason for applying for a new Irish passport

If your application for an Irish passport is refused, you have a right to appeal the decision – see ‘Passport appeals’ below.

Can my passport be cancelled or revoked?

If your passport is lost or stolen and you notify the Passport Service, it will be cancelled.

The Passport Service has the power to revoke your passport if:

  • Your citizenship by naturalisation is revoked by the Department of Justice
  • The passport was issued in error or fraudulently
  • Cancelling the passport is in the interests of public safety or security, either in Ireland or abroad

A child’s passport may be revoked on the order of a court, if the court believes removing the passport is in the child’s best interest.

Consent for your child's passport

Your children must have their own passports, and cannot travel on the passport of their parents or guardians. Not all children born in Ireland are automatically Irish citizens.

A child’s passport can only be issued with the consent of each of the child’s guardians. You can read more about the guardianship of children.

You can get more detailed guidance on how to apply for your child’s first Irish passport or how to renew your child’s passport.

Passport appeals

You can appeal a decision to refuse your application for an Irish passport, or to revoke your Irish passport, to the Passport Appeals Officer. You should appeal in writing.

The Passport Appeals Officer will either uphold the decision of the passport office or recommend that the original decision be changed.

The Passport Service does not have to follow the recommendation of the Passport Appeal Officer. If this is the case, the Passport Service should inform you of the reasons why it is not following the recommendations of the Passport Appeals Officer.

The Passport Appeals Officer should not be used to appeal a decision to refuse your application for Irish citizenship through naturalisation.

Useful contacts

You can contact the Passport Service by phone or by webchat.

Passport Office

Knockmaun House
42-47 Lower Mount Street
Dublin 2
D02 TN83

Opening Hours: 9:00am -5:00pm, Mon-Fri
Tel: +353 (0)1 671 1633 (9:00am -4:30pm, Mon-Fri)

Passport Office

1a South Mall

Passport Appeals Officer

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
80 St. Stephen’s Green
Dublin 2
D02 VY53

Page edited: 3 March 2025