Working Family Payment
Working Family Payment is a weekly tax-free payment to people on low pay. You must have at least one child to qualify.
Maintenance and social welfare payments
If you have income from maintenance payments, this may be assessed in the means test for social welfare payments. However, maintenance payments for children are not assessed.
One-Parent Family Payment
One-Parent Family Payment is a payment for people who are bringing children up without the support of a partner.
Help with low pay
Tax and social welfare assistance is available for low income earners and their families. Information on available schemes and how to apply.
Back to Work Family Dividend
The Back to Work Family Dividend is a weekly payment to help people with children move from social welfare into work.
Jobseeker's Transitional payment
The Jobseeker's Transitional payment is a special payment for lone parents whose youngest child is aged between 7 and 13 years. Read about the payment and how to apply.
Transition from One-Parent Family Payment
The age limit for One-Parent Family Payment (OFP) reduced to 7 years in July 2015. People who no longer qualify for OFP because their youngest child is over the age limit may be eligible for other income supports. This document outlines your options.
Pregnancy and social welfare payments
This page explains how pregnancy may affect your social welfare payment. You may be entitled to a different payment or an increase in your current payment.
Means test
To get a social assistance payment, you must pass a means test. A means test examines all your sources of income. However, some income is not taken into account.
Mortgage Interest Supplement
Mortgage Interest Supplement provides short-term support to help you pay your mortgage interest repayments. The Mortgage Interest Supplement scheme is closed to new entrants and no new applications will be accepted.
Returning to work
If you are returning to work you need to find out what options and supports are available and the steps you should take in relation to tax and PRSI.