Working in the EU
Your rights and entitlements when moving within the EU to work. Access to employment, recognition of qualifications, job seeking, employment and social security rights.
Taxation of benefits from employment
Employees can get certain benefits in addition to their salary or wages. Most of these benefits are taxed.
Blind Pension
The Blind Pension is a means-tested payment paid to people who are blind or who have low vision and live in Ireland. Find out more about Blind Pension and how to apply.
Signing off when you start work
You must notify your Intreo Centre or local Social Welfare Branch Office if you have been claiming social welfare benefits and are returning to work.
Budget 2025
Budget 2025 was announced on Tuesday, 1 October 2024. This page provides a summary of the main budget measures and will be updated regularly.
Volunteer development workers and social insurance
Irish citizens who have spent time working in a developing country may qualify for Credited Social Insurance Contributions which can be used to claim social welfare payments when they return to Ireland.
Education, Training and Development Option
You can take part in certain short education, training or development courses and keep your jobseeker's payment. Find out more.
Part-Time Job Incentive Scheme
The Part-Time Job Incentive (PTJI) Scheme allows certain long-term unemployed people to take up part-time work and get a special weekly allowance instead of their jobseeker’s payment.
Household Benefits Package
The Household Benefits Package helps you with the costs of running your household. It includes electricity and gas allowances and a Free Television Licence. It is paid to people over 70 and to people under 70 in some circumstances.
Social insurance
Social insurance contributions entitle you to a range of benefits administered by the Department of Social Protection.
Migrant workers and unemployment
This outlines the possible redundancy, social welfare and tax entitlements for migrant workers who lose their job.
Injury Benefit
Injury Benefit is a weekly payment made to employees who are unfit for work as a result of an accident at work or because they have contracted a disease due to the type of work they do. Find out more.
Extra social welfare benefits
Information about the extra benefits that may be available to certain people getting a social welfare payment.
Applying for social welfare payments and services online
The MyWelfare website lets you to apply online for social welfare payments and other services. You need a MyGovID account to access online welfare services.
Signing on
If you lose your job or are unemployed you may get a social welfare payment. Information about the process of signing on for a jobseeker's payment.