My Situation

I am...


• Returning to Ireland

• A person with a disability or illness

• The parent of a child with a disability

• A carer

• An older or retired person

• Working part-time

• Being made redundant

• Unemployed

• Looking for employment or internship schemes

• Having difficulties paying my rent or mortgage - visit,

• Starting a business In debt

• Self-employed

• Leaving direct provision

• Recently bereaved

• Getting married



• Cohabiting

• Looking for information following the breakdown of a marriage or other relationship

• Becoming a parent

• Hoping to adopt or foster a child

• A lone parent

• A widow, widower or surviving civil partner

• Leaving prison

• Starting school

• Leaving school

• Going to college

• Coming to Ireland

• Retiring to Ireland

• Planning to emigrate within the EU/EEA

• Planning to emigrate outside the EU/EEA

• A tenant

I want to...

• Get help with the cost of living

• Apply for a driving licence

• Convert my driving licence to an Irish driving licence

• Find out about penalty points

• Buy a used car

• Buy a new car

• Pay my motor tax

• Apply for a passport

• Become an Irish citizen

• Register to vote

• Bring a pet to Ireland

• Apply for a social welfare payment

• Apply for a medical card

• Apply for a GP visit card

• Apply for a European Health Insurance Card

• Appeal a social welfare decision

• Find out about annual leave

• Find out about public holidays Find out about maternity leave

• Find out about childcare

• Claim a tax credit

• Find out about income tax

• Find out about the Universal Social Charge (USC)

• Find out about Capital Acquisitions Tax (CAT)

• Apply for a housing grant

• Apply for local authority housing

• Find out about the Local Property Tax

• Get a Police Certificate

• Take a claim to the Small Claims Court

• Make a consumer complaint

• Get hospital treatment in another EU country

• Make a will

• Find out about domestic refuse services

• Get planning permission

• Comment on a planning permission application

Page edited: 29 May 2023