Donating blood


You can donate blood to the Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS).

There is no risk of contracting any disease by donating blood.

Donors are not paid for blood or platelet donations in Ireland.

You can also donate blood platelets and bone marrow.

How to donate blood

You must book an appointment to give blood. Freephone 1800 731 137 to book an appointment in a clinic.

If you are a regular donor, you can book an appointment online.

You can also phone your nearest blood donation clinic to make an appointment. If you are a new donor or have not donated in the last 5 years you should phone to make an appointment,

Find contact details and opening times on the Irish Blood Transfusion clinic finder.

If you cannot find a blood donation clinic near you, you can register your interest in donating blood and the IBTS will contact you when there is a mobile clinic nearby.

Before going to the clinic, remember to:

  • Bring your photo ID
  • Drink plenty of water, and
  • Eat something substantial in the 3 hours before your appointment.

You should allow 60-90 minutes for your appointment.

Read what you should do before donating blood to reduce fainting.

Can I give blood?

Before booking an appointment, you should complete the Blood Eligibility Quiz online to check if you can donate.

You must be aged 18 to donate blood. If you are aged over 65, you may not be able to donate blood unless you have donated before.

Sometimes, it is never safe to donate blood, for example if you have had cancer. Sometimes, you may have to wait a period of time before it is safe to donate blood, for example, if you recently got a tattoo. Read about how long you should wait to give blood on the IBTS website.

If you have any queries about donating blood, you can contact the Irish Blood Transfusion Service Information Line on 1800 731 137.

What happens when you go to give blood?

When you arrive for your booked appointment:

  1. You check-in at reception first with your photo-ID.
  2. You fill out a Pre Donor Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire.
  3. A healthcare professional interviews you and checks if it is safe for a patient to receive your blood. All the information you provide is confidential.
  4. If it is safe for you to donate, a drop of blood is taken from your fingertip. This blood is tested for its iron level (haemoglobin) content.
  5. A trained staff member inserts a clean (sterile) needle into one of the veins in your forearm. This is attached to a blood pack that collects your blood donation. You may be asked to open and close your hand to ensure smooth blood flow.
  6. Your blood is collected in the blood pack during the blood donation. Just under 1 pint of your blood (470 ml) will be collected and it takes about 15 minutes.

You can read more about giving blood in the Blood Donation Information Leaflet (pdf).

After you donate blood

After you give blood, you should:

  • Stay in the clinic for at least 15 minutes and rest in the canteen
  • Drink cold non-alcoholic drinks
  • Eat the snacks that are available

You will get an advice card explaining what to do after giving blood. If you become unwell in the 4 weeks after your donation, you should contact the IBTS.

Contact the IBTS immediately by Freephone 1800 731 137, if you remember anything after your blood donation that could make your blood unsafe for a patient to receive.

You can give blood again in 90 days if you are still eligible.

Is donated blood tested?

Every blood donation is tested. This includes testing:

  • For certain diseases such as HIV
  • To check if it is safe for a patient to receive it

If your blood is positive in any of the tests, you will be contacted by the IBTS.

Read more about the testing of blood donations in the IBTS.

Donating platelets

You may be able to donate platelets. Platelets are small blood cells that are present in your blood and are essential to enable blood to clot properly.

Platelets are needed for patients with serious medical conditions such as cancer or leukaemia, especially people receiving chemotherapy or after a bone marrow transplant. They also go to premature and newborn babies, patients with cancer, leukaemia or burns.

Platelets can only be used for 5–7 days after the donation, so there is always a need for platelet donations.

Read more about platelet donation on the IBTS website and in the IBTS leaflet on platelet donation.

How to donate platelets

Before you can register to give platelets, complete the Platelet Eligibility Quiz online to check if you can donate.

If you are eligible, register online to donate platelets.

Check the IBTS website to find:

You complete a  Health and Lifestyle questionnaire when you arrive at the clinic and a health professional will ask you questions.

Donating platelets takes about 50 - 70 minutes. You can donate again in 28 days, if it is safe for you to donate platelets.

Donating bone marrow

Bone marrow is the soft, spongy tissue inside some of the body's bones, such as the legs, arms and hips. If you need a bone marrow transplant, the most suitable donor is a family member.

If a suitable donor is not found within your family, the transplant doctor will look for an unrelated donor.

If you would like to donate bone marrow. you can join the Irish Unrelated Bone Marrow Registry. This is a register of people who would like to donate their bone marrow if they are found to match a patient needing a bone marrow transplant.

To become a bone marrow donor, you must be aged between 18 and 45.

It is important you understand what is involved in donating bone marrow. You can read about the process of donating bone marrow and find Frequently Asked Questions about bone marrow donation on the IBTS website.

Contact details

Irish Blood Transfusion Service

National Blood Centre
James's Street
Dublin 8

Tel: (01) 432 2800
Locall: Information Line 1800 731 137
Fax: (01) 432 2930
Page edited: 7 March 2025