Grants and funds for mature students

Who is a mature student?

If you wish to enter or return to third-level education and you are over 23 years of age, you can be considered a mature student. Irish third-level colleges have set aside a number of places for mature students.

You will have to consider the costs of fees and maintaining yourself while studying. The cost will depend on whether you are going to do a full-time or part-time course.

Free Fees Initiative and Student Grant Scheme

Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for:

Free fees initiative

To qualify for free fees, you must meet criteria based on:

  • Residence
  • Nationality and immigration status
  • Course requirements

Read more about the eligibility criteria for free third-level fees.

Your eligibility for free fees is assessed using the information you give when applying for a college place.

Student Grant Scheme

If you are a full-time student studying an approved course, you can apply to Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) for a student grant. All types of students including mature students can apply for funding.

To be eligible for a student grant, you must meet certain criteria including:

  • Nationality and residency
  • Approved course of study and progression
  • Income

Your reckonable income, calculated for grant purposes, must fall under specific thresholds.

Read more on the eligibility criteria for a student grant.

If you are applying for an undergraduate course and you have already completed an undergraduate course, you are not eligible for either a student grant or free fees. However, in certain circumstances, you may be considered eligible for funding, for example, if you attended a course previously but did not complete it.

If you are studying certain part-time undergraduate courses, you can apply to SUSI for the part-time fee scheme.

You may be eligible for a grant if you are starting a Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) course as part of the tertiary education programme leading to a higher-level qualification than your previous undergraduate qualification.

Funding is available for postgraduate students under the Student Grant Scheme for approved postgraduate courses in Ireland and Northern Ireland. You cannot get support under the Scheme for courses elsewhere in the EU. Read more about postgraduate student grants.

Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) handles all applications for student grants. You must apply for your grant online. Applications for the 2024-2025 academic year are open.

Tax relief on fees

If you have to pay fees, you may be able to get tax relief on the fees you pay at the standard rate of income tax.

Back to Education Allowance

If you are getting an unemployment, One-Parent Family or disability payment, the Back to Education Allowance (BTEA) allows you to study at second and third level without losing your benefits. You must meet certain criteria to be eligible for the BTEA. If you are studying part-time, you may be able to keep your benefits under the Back to Education Programme.

You can apply for the Back to Education Allowance (BTEA), or other strands of the Back to Education Programme, by filling in the Back to Education Allowance application form (pdf). This form is also available from your local Intreo Centre.

Send the form to the office that deals with applications from people on your particular payment. These offices are listed on the back of the form.

If you are getting the Back to Education Allowance or you are on a Post-Leaving Certificate course and getting a VTOS allowance, you are not eligible for the maintenance component of the student grant. However, you may get an exemption from college fees or the student contribution, so you should complete a student grant application.

Read more about social welfare payments and the student grant.

Other support funds for mature students

There are other funds available to support you in third-level education. Generally, each college has a mature students’ officer who can provide information about financial supports available for mature students.

Fund for Students with Disabilities

If you have a disability, you may be entitled to financial support. The Fund for Students with Disabilities (FSD) supports students in approved courses in Ireland, other EU countries, and the UK. The FSD provides funding for a range of supports, including assistive technology equipment and software.

To apply for the Fund for Students with Disabilities (FSD), contact the disability or access office at the college of your choice when you are registering.

Read more about the FSD on the Higher Education Authority website.

Student Assistance Fund

The Student Assistance Fund is for full-time or part-time students who are experiencing financial difficulties and may be unable to continue their studies. Students can apply for the Student Assistance Fund to help with either temporary or ongoing financial difficulties.

It can help with costs like books, rent, food, childcare, essential travel, and utility and medical bills. It does not cover tuition or college registration fees or student loan repayments.

You can apply for funding through the access or student services office in your college. It is important to apply as soon as you can. Some colleges have a closing date for applications and you should check when this is.

The Student Assistance Fund is administered on a strictly confidential basis by your college.

The 1916 Bursary Fund

The 1916 Bursary Fund provides funding for first-time entrants of an undergraduate programme from disadvantaged backgrounds who are significantly under-represented in higher education. To be eligible, you must have household reckonable income that meets the criteria for the SUSI Special Rate of Maintenance Grant.

If you have not applied to SUSI or if your application to SUSI was refused, you must provide evidence of your household income that includes a long-term means-tested social welfare payment.

First-time mature students are eligible to apply. Applicants must apply online through the 1916 Bursary Application Portal. Applications for 2024-2025 are expected to open in September 2024.

See a full list of colleges and universities that participate in the 1916 Bursary.

Bursary Scheme for young people with care experience

Tusla can provide financial support to a maximum of €2,000 to young people who have had care experience to help with fees to access further education or training. To be eligible, you must be over 18 and have had care experience in Ireland of at least 6 months before your 18th birthday.

Read more about the Bursary Scheme, the eligibility criteria and how to apply.

The opening date for applications is 9 September 2024 and closing date is Friday, 11 October 2024 at 5pm.

Studying abroad as a mature student

If you plan to study abroad, you may be eligible for a student grant from SUSI. A range of approved undergraduate courses in the EU and UK are covered. Read more about European education programmes.

Under the Student Grant Scheme, there are no age limits for the student grants for studying in another EU state but it must be your first undergraduate course.

You can find information about living and studying abroad on:

If you are interested in studying in the UK, contact the British Council to get information on the courses available and the application process for each course.

If you are interested in studying outside of the EU, you should get in touch with the Irish embassy or consulate in that country for further information.

More information

You can find more information about grants and funds for students in higher education on the Higher Education Authority website.

Higher Education Authority

3 Shelbourne Buildings
Crampton Avenue
Shelbourne Road
Dublin 4
D04 C2Y6

Tel: (01) 231 7100

Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI)

P.O. Box 869
Little Island

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 5.30pm (excluding public holidays)
Tel: 0818 888 777 (Ireland), or (+353)1 524 2257 (calling from abroad)
Page edited: 30 August 2024