Help with renting

  • This scheme is for private tenants who have received a notice of termination and are at risk of homelessness because their landlord is selling. The Housing Agency can buy the rental property and rent it back to the tenant.

  • Cost rental provides affordable rented accommodation to people on middle incomes. Cost rental homes have reduced rent and tenants have long-term security of tenure.

  • Gives information about the new Rent Tax Credit. Describes the requirement to deduct tax from your rent payments if your landlord lives abroad, unless you pay rent through a collection agent.

  • The Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) is a social housing support provided by local authorities. Under the scheme, rent is paid directly to private landlords and you pay a weekly contribution to your local authority.

  • If you are renting privately and having difficulty paying your rent, you may qualify for Rent Supplement. If you qualify for social housing support, you should apply for the Housing Assistance Payment instead.
    This document is in: Supplementary Welfare Schemes

  • You can claim an income tax credit for rent paid. Find out how to qualify for and apply for the credit.
    This document is in: Housing taxes and reliefs